Cesium Fallout 【焚城】07/11/2024

Time of show:
07/11/2024 - 13/11/2024

Genre: Disaster, Drama

Language: Cantonese (Subtitle Chinese, English, Malay)

Classification: NA

Actors: Director Anthony Pun 潘耀明 Cast Andy Lau 刘德华,Bai Yu 白宇,Karen Mok 莫文蔚



高强度放射物铯137突发泄漏,24小时后辐射扩散全城,700万人危在旦夕。高层因担心引发恐慌故封锁辐射消息,专家范伟立(刘德华饰)与Cecilia(莫文蔚 饰)针锋相对,为民众争取一线生机。同时,消防队长黎杰峰(白宇 饰)和队友已奉命奔赴未知前线,殊不知,天灾的背后,似乎另有隐情。

Hong Kong’s historic first radiation disaster blockbuster!

After a fire accident triggers a radiation leakage, the entire city suddenly finds its survival hanging by a thread. In order to tackle the impending catastrophe, expert Simon Fan (starring Andy Lau) joins the emergency crisis response team led by Acting Chief Executive Cecilia (starring Karen Mok) to tackle this catastrophic disaster. With the lives of 7 million people on the line, the fire brigade is tasked with stopping the spread at all costs by entering the radiation zone. Facing this unprecedented calamity, will Hong Kong wake up to an overnight annihilation?

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