

Genre : Language : Indonesian Classification : NA Actors : DIRECTORJoko Anwar CASTReza Rahadian, Christine Hakim, Putri Ayudya, Fachry Albar
Synopsis : Siksa Kubur tells the story of how horrible the conditions in the grave are when someone is tortured for what they did while in the world. This film tells the life of Sita and her parents. After both of her parents were victims of suicide bombings, Sita became a non-believer in religion. From that moment on, Sita’s purpose in life was only one. She wants to find the worst sinners. Later, when that person died, Sita wanted to go into their grave to prove that the torment of the grave does not exist and that religion is not real. However, there are certainly dire consequences for those who do not believe.
Time of show: 01/05/2023 - 08/05/2023


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